We like to dress up

We love getting to serve great food and drinks. We also really love people - that's the main reason we decided to open in the first place. And did we mention we're geeks about dressing up?

To entertain ourselves, we started recreating favorite scenes from movies and tv shows. : Bob's Burgers, Game of Thrones, Elf, and I Love Lucy.

Mid 2019: we knew it was going to be tricky navigating a buildout and move to a new location… we had no idea (as I'm sure no one did) what we were going to be up against with COVID-19. So we're gonna keep doing what we love… and trust that it will all work out: providing great food and drinks in a welcoming and comfy atmosphere... and occasionally making videos that make us laugh - we hope you enjoy them too.

In preparation for Valentine's Day, we thought we'd pay homage to Lucy and Ethel and their adventures at the chocolate factory.